Tillage That Puts Your Vision To Work
Each producer has their own vision of the best way to implement tillage on their farm. Tillage should not be a one-size-fits-all approach, and neither should the solutions. Whether you practice no-till, vertical tillage, or conventional tillage, Great Plains designs innovative tillage implements to address a variety of agronomic challenges.
Agronomic Challenges For No-Till Producers
When it comes to tillage, no-till producers can be faced with tough decisions. From time to time, they may need to address problem areas, such as ruts and compaction layers from previous tillage, field traffic, and erosion – though they don’t want to destroy the soil structure and organic matter they have worked so hard to build. Depending on the producer’s weed control preferences and comfort level with tillage, the following solutions can help them overcome these problem areas.
For Producers Who Are Willing To Control Some Weeds With Chemicals To Maintain A High-Quality Seedbed: Turbo-Max®
The Turbo-Max® is a great choice for producers who want to maintain a high-quality, vertical-tilled seedbed. The Turbo-Max® was designed to be a true vertical tillage tool with straight blades that can be run at 0 degrees for seedbed preparation. Although the Turbo-Max® can handle some weeds, it was not developed for complete weed kill and should be used as a companion to a herbicide program.
As a true vertical tillage tool, the Turbo-Max® should not be confused with a high-speed disk. Unlike high-speed disks, true vertical tillage tools do not shear and compress the soil, or create density-change layers.
For Producers Who Want To Create A Seedbed Similar To Turbo-Max®, But Need More Weed Control: Terra-Max®
Producers who prefer to rely less on herbicides or need to combat resistant weeds should turn to the Terra-Max®. The TurboSpeed blades and increased front gang angles allow the Terra-Max® to have better weed control, while the double roller maintains a smooth finish, similar to Turbo-Max®. The Terra-Max® will achieve greater weed control because of the shallow concave design of the TurboSpeed blade. However, it likely won’t leave the sub-surface of the soil as smooth as a true vertical tillage tool like Turbo-Max®.
When choosing between Turbo-Max® and Terra-Max®, producers should identify what is important for their operation – a high-quality seedbed (Turbo-Max®) or greater weed control (Terra-Max®), and choose the tool that best fits their needs, recognizing that some use of chemical may be required.
For No-Till Operators Who Need To Address Problem Areas With Deep Ruts And Compaction Layers, While Maintaining Minimal Surface Disturbance: Sub-Soiler
Sub-Soilers are the tool of choice for producers who struggle with deep ruts, but want to maintain their soil structure with minimal disturbance to the topsoil and residue. These tools can erase the compaction layers from horizontal tillage and field traffic. Heavy-duty coulters and ¾" wide winged no-till points allow the Sub-Soiler to operate without destroying the no-till system.
Agronomic Challenges For Conventional Tillage Producers
Conventional producers face operation and resource efficiency challenges, including the loss of soil moisture and increasing equipment costs. They may also feel bound by stale tillage solutions and efficiencies that can only be gained with larger implement sizes, making maneuverability and transport difficult. Whether producers are seeking a fresh take on conventional tools or need a durable, tried-and-true solution, the following tools can help them overcome tillage challenges.
For Producers Who Are Looking To Change-Up Their Current Tillage Practices And Are Seeking An Innovative Solution: Hybrid Tillage Tools Like The Velocity®
For producers who are looking to improve their tillage practices and have an interest in changing up their conventional tillage practices, hybrid tillage tools are a great place to start. Great Plains believes that hybrid tillage tools offer producers more versatility as a soil management system – one that doesn’t quite fit in the traditional vertical and conventional categories, including tools that allow for an aggressive field pass at shallower depths and faster operating speeds.
The Velocity is a high-speed, hybrid tillage tool that helps conventional producers reduce tillage passes and tillage depths, and maintain soil moisture – maximizing efficiency and resources. It offers producers similar weed control like a traditional disk, while allowing producers to go faster, cover more acres, and achieve cutout at a shallower depth. The Velocity offers exceptional weed control and residue management due to low-concavity SpeedBlades™ with 7.5" spacing and the key to its finish is the hydraulic rolling basket. The Velocity is comparable to other so-called “VT” tools on the market today – though it provides better leveling capabilities than competitive tools.
Be aware: high-speed disks are distinctly different from vertical tillage tools, despite being marketed by some manufacturers as vertical tillage tools. High-speed disks are not vertical tillage tools because of their low-concavity disc blades. Unlike the Velocity, the Terra-Max® is not a high-speed disk.
For Producers Who Identify Themselves As Being “Traditional” Tillage Producers: Field Cultivator, Disc-O-Vator®, Flex Harrow
Producers who embrace conventional tillage on their operation may be interested in tools like the Field Cultivator, Disc-O-Vator®, and the Flex Harrow. These tools are known for their durability, leveling capabilities, and trusted field performance.
Offered in widths from 23 to 60' 6", the Field Cultivator is a solution that helps create a level seedbed and promotes moisture conservation, helping seeds to germinate. With its Max-Mix™ shank pattern, it evenly spreads residue and uniformly incorporates fertilizer and chemicals. The Field Cultivator is highly customizable for a variety of operations with sweep, point, and rear finishing attachment options.
The Disc-O-Vator® is a great choice for operators who are looking to increase productivity. The Disc-O-Vator® can disk, cultivate, harrow, and incorporate residue – all in a single pass. The 8000 Series Disc-O-Vator® line is comprised of 12 models, with working widths ranging from 15' to 52'. Four of the models (DVN) are specifically designed for narrow transport and can be purchased in 15' to 24' versions. With a full line of options and finishing attachments, the Disc-O-Vator® can be custom built to fit a diverse range of needs.
The Flex Harrow is one of the toughest finishing tools on the market, allowing producers to complete general-purpose leveling, finishing, and light weed control. The Flex Harrow can be used in a variety of settings, including the Upper Plains, the Delta region, and other applications like organic operations. Known for strength and simplicity, it utilizes a ladder-frame full-length tongue and a height-adjustable hitch. For durability, the Flex Harrow’s center frame is made entirely of ¼" wall steel and the wings are constructed of 6" square tubing with reinforced corners. The Flex Harrow is available in widths from 24'-51' with an optional 8-, 12-, or 16-bar harrow.
Agronomic Challenges For Vertical Tillage Producers
Producers who believe in true vertical tillage need a way to remove compaction layers and maintain vertical seedbeds, creating a place for roots to grow and flourish. The following tools can help producers overcome the challenges of residue management and finishing needs.
For Producers Who Need To Aggressively Attack Compaction Layers To Create A Sustainable Root Zone: Turbo-Max®
True vertical tillage producers need a solution that can help them create the ideal root zone – the key to growing a better crop with higher yields. In a Farm Journal study, vertical tillage practices were shown to increase yields by up to 12.7 bu./acre when compared to conventional practices. As the Turbo-Max® is a true vertical tillage tool, it does not create compaction layers, giving roots the freedom to reach nutrients and moisture. Furthermore, the gangs can be angled from 0 to 6 degrees, making the Turbo-Max® a multi-seasonal soil management tool. In the fall, angle the gangs from 3-6 degrees to cover more residue, or keep the gangs straight to prepare the perfect seedbed in the spring.
For Producers Who Need To Bury More Residue: Max-Chisel®
The Max-Chisel® is a vertical tillage tool designed to achieve complete fracture at shallower depths, leaving fields smoother and more uniform than traditional disk rippers. To increase field levelness and maintain the vertically-tilled profile, producers can add the ML roller to their Max-Chisel®, then follow up this pass with a Turbo-Max® or Terra-Max® to create the ideal seedbed.
For Producers Who Need Moderate Residue Burial Without Moving Soil Sideways: Turbo-Chisel®
The Turbo-Chisel® is engineered to size and incorporate residue into the top 4-5" of soil, while leaving the surface level enough for a single-pass tool in the spring. Turbo-Chisel® starts by slicing residue with exclusive 22" Turbo blades on 7½" spacing. The patented angled chopper wheels (optional) pull dirt back into shank voids, leveling soil while maintaining the vertically-tilled profile left by the shanks.
Even for conventional producers, the Max-Chisel® and the Turbo-Chisel® are good options for burying residue while smoothing the ground better than traditional chisel coulters.
Find The Tillage Solution For Your Operation
Great Plains offers one of the most extensive lines of tillage equipment to meet a variety of producer needs and soil management strategies. For complete product details and to learn more about our line of tillage solutions, visit our Great Plains Products page.
Finck, C. (2002, August). The Last Pass Rules. Farm Journal. 15-17.
About The Agronomist – Blake Bergkamp
Blake Bergkamp grew up in south central Kansas on a small family farm. Growing up in this area provided Blake with a unique experience in agriculture, as continuous wheat and conventional tillage still dominate many of the acres. Blake attended Kansas State University where he completed a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics and an MS degree in Agronomy. During college, Blake gained valuable experience with crop production and physiology at the Kansas State University Agronomy Lab.
In 2018, Blake joined the Great Plains team as a Sales Agronomist. As Sales Agronomist, Blake’s responsibilities include writing agronomic and educational content for customers and producers; designing field tests and compiling data; planning and conducting events and field demonstrations; and working alongside the product development team to ensure positive agronomic outcomes.